关于马来西亚亲子旅游部落客 Malaysian Family Travel Blogger
【吃喝玩乐旅宝妈】部落格的主人是来自马来西亚砂劳越古晋的蔡艾宝, 你也可以叫我Abby Chai。
18岁离乡背井求学后, 离家越来越远, 如今定居在马来西亚雪隆一带。
这个部落格一开始以【吃喝玩乐】开始记录我当妈以前所走就走的背包旅行, 当年的流水账, 记录我每个旅程的故事。
这些年来最大的成就莫过于借在法国南特短期留学的机会, 当起了背包客、 沙发客, 游走在欧洲城市。
现在的我是个朝九晚五的上班族, 同时也是两个孩子的妈妈。 写部落格是我记录自己生活的一种方式, 希望通过我的分享可以帮助到同样也是全职妈妈的读者们。
带孩子们一起去旅行, 不是一件简单的事。 孩子们的衣、 食、 住、 行都得安排妥当才能让大家有个愉快的旅程。 乐旅宝希望你可以通过这个部落格了解到和孩子们一起成长一起旅行的趣事。
亲子分享、 亲子旅游、 住宿、 产品、 食物邀稿与赞助。厂商邀稿合作请恰:lovelybao123@gmail.com
- 第687期风采杂志 Feminine Magazine 访问
- 与澳洲墨尔本旅游局 Visit Melbourne 合作推广澳洲墨尔本亲子景点行程
- 带着15个月大的孩子, 完成14天13夜的欧洲亲子游(法国巴黎+英国伦敦)
- 带着12个月大的孩子, 完成6天5夜澳洲柏斯亲子游
- 因为留学的机会完成了39天背包游欧洲10国(法国+摩纳哥+意大利+焚地冈+奥地利+捷克+德国+丹麦+瑞典+英国)
- 在法国留学半年, 在部落格上记录了在法国的点滴, 期间走访法国小镇、 西班牙、 葡萄牙等地。
- 提交旅游台湾计划书, 赢得台湾行政院青年辅导会赞助海外青年壮游台湾大使(17天台湾环岛)
- 参加AiFM 电台主办的有奖游戏, 赢得苹果旅游赞助韩国6天4夜旅游
- 以大学本科生的身份, 代表马来西亚参加美国政府赞助三个月美国中部学生交换计划
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【报章访问】星洲日报大北马社区报 Sin Chew Daily | 钟情部落格写长文 |
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【报章访问】光华日报 Kwong Wah Yit Poh | 昔日部落客共同回忆 |
About Malaysian Family Travel Blogger --- Chai Ai Bao
I like to write about my travelogue and capture my travel moment in my blog. I am currently working full time, I am also a mother of two young children. I love to share my parenting/ life experience via my blog and hope my sharing will inspire other full time working mothers too.
lovelybao123 is a blog covering travel, food and parenting. This blog started as travelogue of my backpacking trips. Now it is use to record my parenting experiences. The blog covers story of myself, my husband and my two lovely daughters. My elder daughter, Huan Huan is born in April, 2015 while my younger daughter, Ying Ying is born in April, 2017.
Travel with kids is not an easy task, but it is not preventing us to travel with them. As long as we are well prepared, then everyone will be able to enjoy the family trip. I hope you are encouraged to bring your kids to travel with you after reading our blog.
For parenting, family travel, accommodation, product, food review invitation, please contact: lovelybao123@gmail.com
Travel with kids is not an easy task, but it is not preventing us to travel with them. As long as we are well prepared, then everyone will be able to enjoy the family trip. I hope you are encouraged to bring your kids to travel with you after reading our blog.
For parenting, family travel, accommodation, product, food review invitation, please contact: lovelybao123@gmail.com